Just breathe.


I’ve seen a meme that says you never appreciate your nostrils until one stops working. It’s so funny but true. I️ think we often forget and forfeit the power of breathing. In a literal sense, God expertly designed our bodies to involuntarily inhale oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. That in itself is a miracle. As an asthmatic with sinus and allergy issues lol, I️ am definitely grateful for the mechanics of God’s design.

But figuratively, we have been given the authority to accept things and exhale the anxiety or worry or fear that may arise when we face uncertainty. Some of us are figuratively pent up. Totally forfeiting our right to reject what does not serve us. Here’s your reminder that you were literally designed to exhale toxicity. There’s no need whatsoever to hold onto hurt, doubt, fear, confusion, anger. Let your body, your life function the way it was designed to. BREATHE.

In an effort to be more present and process my emotions better, this is my new exercise. Just breathe, and ask myself how I'm feeling. I hope this helps me live clear.


#TheNewMuses (Remove wig carefully.)


He's fighting for us. Period.